Funded by the National Science Foundation, the objective of this research project is to advance software technology to enable cyber-physical systems that allow citizens to see the environmental and health impacts of their daily activities through a citizen-driven, body-worn mobile-phone–based commodity sensing platform. The approach is to create aspect-oriented extensions to a publish/subscribe architecture, called Open Rich Services (ORS), to provide a highly extensible and adaptive infrastructure. ORS enables highly adaptive power management that not only adapts to current device conditions, but also the nature of the data, the data’s application, and the presence and status of other sensors in the area. In this way, ORS enables research advances in power management, algorithms, security, and privacy.
Principle Investigator: William Griswold, PhD
Co-Investigators: Kevin Patrick, MD, MS, Ingolf Krueger, PhD, Tajana Simunic Rosing, PhD, Sanjoy Dasgupta, PhD, and Hovav Shacham